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Dear Weber Alumni,


      I have recently contacted Amazon about their Amazon Foundation Project "Smile.Amazon". Their foundation will donate 0.5% of all purchases made through when you designate "Weber High Alumni, Inc." as your charity of choice.


      You can go directly to that site via the "unique charity link" and sign up. You can "copy and paste" our unique charity link: to get to it. Just paste this information in your search engine and go to it.


      Using this link allow you to skip the selection process if you went to


      This costs you nothing. It is also a way in which you can have family and friends support your Alumni Association. by simply signing up at this site. Each quarter, the Amazon Foundation will send any proceeds from purchases made with our designation.


       0.5% may not seem like much, but every purchase helps. Just think when you buy your household items, office supplies and other necessities from Amazon, you are helping Weber High Alumni, Inc. as well.  Another way to support our scholarship efforts.


       If any questions, please email us at




                                                                                          Dr. Joe Ptasinski '65

                                                                                          President Emeritus, Weber High Alumni, Inc.


   P.S. Information about this project will also be periodically sent to you via email.


Email us at:



P.O. Box 31107  

Chicago, IL 60631

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